7. Dezember 2023
IG Metall welcomes extension of current regulations for electric vehicles in trade with the UK
The EU Commission wants to extend the transition period for electric vehicles and batteries +++ The development of European battery cell production must be accelerated

IG Metall welcomes the EU Commission's proposal to extend the transition period for electric vehicles and batteries in the trade and cooperation agreement with the UK by three years. The EU member states are now asked to swiftly adopt this proposal and implement it in the Partnership Council with the UK.

Rules of origin should ensure that products "Made in EU" have a high proportion of European added value and employment. In our view, exceptions to this can only be of a temporary nature.

Unfortunately, we have to note that the scaling of European battery cell production - despite encouraging investment decisions and announcements - cannot keep pace with the growing demand. Therefore, we will still be dependent on sourcing from third countries in the coming years. The alternative of reducing production capacities for battery electric vehicles must not be an option, if only from an employment policy perspective. In combination with a massive increase in the price of EU exports due to import duties, this important market would be left to competitors from third countries, not least China.

In addition to the swift extension of the transition period, it is crucial in terms of industrial policy to further accelerate the development of European battery cell production. IG Metall welcomes the EU Commission's announcement that it will provide a further EUR 3 billion for a dedicated instrument for the battery value chain as part of the innovation fund.

IG Metall Vorstand
Alina Heisig

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60329 Frankfurt am Main

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